Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayd blushed, laughing. "Just checking."
Chester chuckled. 'Alright. Your turn for a question.'
"Why're you so interested if my family will approve of you? You just said they were horrible a minute or two ago."
'A wedding without your parents' blessing? The journalists wouldn't like that, Celeste.'
Jayd chuckled. "Fair enough."
Chester rubbed the back of his neck. 'And, to be honest, me neither.'
"You want my parents to come to our hypothetical-but-not-really-hypothetical wedding?" Jayden asked, chuckling.
'I don't know. Maybe. But we're not inviting your brother.' He paused. 'Or maybe we can rub it in his face, I don't know.'
Jayd smiled. "We'll figure it out."
Chester nodded. Just the thought of marrying Jayden made him excited for their future. 'So, if I proposed, would you say yes? Hypothetically. It's not like I'm going to.'
Jayden laughed. "Hypothetically, I would tell you it's been hardly a month, no offense... But after a bit of waiting, yeah." Jayd nodded, grinning.
'A bit? How long is a bit?' Chester asked.
"I dunno, longer than a month." Jayd shrugged, chuckling.
'So, one day after a month? Noted.'
Jayd rolled his eyes. "Better write in on your calendar." He teased.
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