Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
"What did you mean then?" Jayden teased, not caring that he was asking too many questions this round.
'Hey, it's my turn!'
"Fine, fine, ask your question then." Jayd laughed.
'Do you think we could call Neo in?'
"Sure, why?"
'Those articles you were telling me about. I was thinking we could use them as a substitute for firewood.'
Jayd smiled. "I'd love to burn them." He approved.
Chester smiled. 'Great.'
"Do you want to get up and look for him? I bet he's just in this hall somewhere." Neo wasn't supposed to leave Jayd for too long, so he assumed he'd be in the same floor in case something went wrong.
Chester raised an eyebrow. 'Your bodyguard follows us around?'
"Eh, he likes to stay close enough that he could help if something went wrong. I can tell him to leave me alone if you want, though."
Chester blinked. 'Gee, he has a lot of faith in me,' he huffed. 'Let's go.'
"He's my bodyguard, it's his job!" Jayd chuckled, standing up.
Chester grumbled under his breath as he sat up. He grabbed a shirt from his closet and pulled it on.
Jayden waited out in the hall. "Oh Neooooo!" He called out.
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