Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayd wrapped his arms around Chester.
Chester eventually broke the kiss. His thumb touched a freckle on Jayden's cheek. 'I hate how much power you have over me,' he mumbled.
"Says the man who has me pinned against the wall." Jayden chuckled.
Chester kissed his neck. 'Metaphorical power.'
"What sort of power? Just so I can use it to my advantage." Jayd teased.
Chester pressed more kisses do his neck. 'Oh, do you want to know,' he murmured.
Jayden nodded. "Yes, love." He smiled.
'I'm sure you would,' Chester mumbled.
Jayd kissed the top of Chester's head. "Pleaaase?"
'No. I don't want the urge to kiss you in public to be able to increase.'
Jayden sighed. "What if I force your tail to tell me?"
Chester's tail wagged. He rolled his eyes.
Jayd smirked. "Oh Chester's taiiiiil, would you mind telling me what power I have over him?"
Chester flushed. His finger hooked under his chin. 'Your wonderful voice,' he murmured, nose nearly touching Jayden's. 'And oh god, you're so hot.'
Jayden blushed. He grinned. "Aaaand how can I use this power to my advantage?"
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