Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
'By talking to me, I suppose,' Chester murmured, kissing his neck. 'And just being as attractive as you always have been.'
"So I just keep doing what I'm already doing?" Jayden chuckled. "That's a little boring, but ok."
Chester kissed where his jaw and neck connected. 'Just times it by 10.'
Jayden blushed. "How do you want me to be ten times more attractive?" He chuckled.
'No clue. But if you want me to do this in public, try it.'
"Fine, I will. Somehow." Jayd thought for a bit, and evil smile on his face. "Hey Chester's tail, what's his deepest, darkest secret?" He asked, mostly as a joke.
'I murdere-' Chester's eyes widened. 'N-No.'
Jayden's eyes widened. "You what?!" To put it lightly he did NOT expect THAT to be the answer.
Chester's jaw clenched. He backed away slightly. 'It-It's not what you think...'
Jayden would've backed up as well if he wasn't up against the wall, so the best option he had was to step to the side. "It better not be what I think."
Chester watched him. He buried his face in his hands. 'Jayden, I promise I'm not an insane murderer.'
Normally Jayden would've been next to him, hugging him and saying how much he loved him.. That was before he found out his boyfriend turned out to have murdered someone. He just stared at him in horror.
Chester hated that. He hated that usually Jayden would've wrapped his arms around him and say he loved him no matter what.
No matter what was a stupid fantasy.
Chester looked at him. 'Jayden?' -
Jayd tried not to look him in the eyes, knowing if he did his stupid heart would try and redeem Chester. "Wh-what?" He asked, voice trembling.
Chester took a step forward to try and grab his hands. 'I can explain.'
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