Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
"No need to be sorry." Jayd mumbled, still smiling.
Chester pressed more kisses into his neck. 'Good.'
By now Jayden was bright red.
Chester smiled. He hands ran down Jayden's sides. 'I'm very clingy.'
"Oh darling, I can tell." Jayden murmured.
Chester took his own shirt off. 'Good.'
"The abs are back." Jayd chuckled.
'Yep.' He returned his arms to Jayden and pressed him to the wall.
Jayden blushed even harder somehow, letting Chester pin him to the wall.
Chester's hands moved to his waist as he kissed him.
Jayd closed his eyes, kissing him back.
Chester's eyes closed.
Jayden wrapped his arms around his neck.
It was a good kiss. Chester eventually broke it, face still right in front of Jayden's.
Jayd opened his eyes, smiling.
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