Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
"That still doesn't make you a bad person." Jayden said gently. "You didn't do the bad thing on purpose, did you?"
Chester shook his head.
(Gtg for sport, I’ll be back in about an hour) -
(Alr! No promises I'll be here, but I'll try!)
"Then it's not your fault." Jayd broke the hug, making sure Chester looked him in the eyes. "It's not your fault, love." -
(Nvm am here for a few mins. Might disappear randomly)
Chester kissed his nose. -
(Phhhhht lmao ur probably gone now)
Jayden blushed, smiling. "It's not your fault." He repeated to him, ruffling his hair. -
(Lol I was)
Chester smiled. ‘Alright,’ he mumbled, tail wagging. -
Jayden noticed. "Why would you think you're a bad person if you didn't mean for it to happen?" He asked, mainly as a rhetorical question.
‘I should have been more careful. I killed people, Jayden. If I wasn’t a prince I would be in prison.’
"It was an accident." Jayd insisted. "A mistake that went horribly wrong. That doesn't make you a bad person."
Chester’s tail dropped, hanging behind his legs. He looked down, rubbing his arm. ‘If I wasn’t first in line to the throne, I could’ve been punished by death. I’m lucky the kingdom never found out.’
Jayden's eyes widened. By death?! "Wait, hang on, who DOES know?" He asked gently, not wanting to make Chester feel worse.
‘Maeve, my grandparents, my royal advisor and a couple servants… why?’
Jayden shrugged. So I know who knows and who doesn't in case someone mentions something, or I slip up. He doubted he would accidentally tell someone, but he knew it was better to know who knew just in case.
Chester looked back down at his shoes. His bottom lip quivered slightly, which annoyed him. He was not about to break down in front of Jayden.
Jayd looked up at him and noticed. He gave him a hug. He really didn't want to say some lie like 'it's ok.' since it obviously wasn't, so he didn't.
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