Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayd smiled. "Thanks."
Chester kissed the back of Jayden's hand. 'We should probably do this in your room, anyway. We need to talk about things.'
Jayden looked at Chester. "What kinda things?" He asked, giving a small frown. Normally when they had to talk about things alone, they weren't exactly good things.
"That's very specific." Jayden joked. "Fine, lets go to my room."
Chester smiled. ‘Good.’
Jayd pulled away, walking out of the dining room.
Chester wrapped an arm around his shoulders, following.
Jayden chuckled. "Do you want to talk about it while we walk?" He asked. Impatient, he knew. It was one of his many flaws.
Chester chuckled. ‘Sure.’
Jayd smiled. "Alright. What is it you want to talk about?"
‘How I can fix this.’
Jayden's frown quickly faded. "I... I don't know. Just give it time, ok?" He asked gently. He knew it wasn't fair to Chester to ask that of him.
Chester’s face fell. ‘Alright,’ he mumbled.
Jayd sighed. "No, it's not alright." He murmured. "It's not fair to you."
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