Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester shook his head. ‘I’m willing to do anything to make you trust me.’
"I know." Jayden gave a weak smile. But you shouldn't have to...
‘I love you, alright? I’ll wait as long as it takes.’
Jayd nodded. "I know." He repeated. "Thank you, love." They got to his room.
‘You’re welcome,’ Chester said with a weak smile.
Jayden looked at him. "Are you ok?" He asked softly. "I know this sucks."
Chester opened the door for Jayden. ‘I’m fine. I’m more concerned about you at the moment.’
"No, no being nice and worrying about me. Seriously, how are you?"
‘I’m fine,’ Chester lied. His tail whacked him in the face.
Jayden frowned. "No lying to me."
‘Fine, I’m not fine. I’m just worried.’
“Just” may have been the wrong word. His tail attacked him. ‘Hey, stop that!’ -
Jayden looked at the tail. "Stop attacking... Unless he lies again." He turned to Chester, sitting on his bed. "Tell me what you're feeling. Honestly, this time."
‘I’m scared of losing you and I’m angry at myself for being such a bad person.’
Jayd stared at him for a moment before wrapping him in a tight hug. "You're not a bad person. You're a good person that a bad thing happened to."
‘It’s my fault the bad thing happened,’ Chester mumbled, looking down at Jayden.
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