Misfit Cloud's Profile

Misfit Cloud
Joined on Aug 28, 2021
Status Level: Advanced
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Misfit Cloud's Quizzes
- Would Cloud Strife Date You?[published: May 14, 2022, 1 comment]
Have you ever sat on your bed and randomly wondered "would Cloud Strife date me?" If not, you're……
Misfit Cloud's Recent Posts
"Sorry. This one too. Just can't find one I like. ..."
"Everyone sees it but you. We always did but you never wanted to believe it."
"You're in denial... Isn't it clear?..."
"I hope you get everything you deserve."
"I'm not staying in that server if he's going to let that guy stay."
"They're being so toxic and he just wants to hang out and expects me to hang out with them too after what they've done to me."
"And my friend doesn't seem to understand that you can't f---ing hang on to everyone you meet."
"Two-faced b----."
"I need to calm down, but how can I when I want to tear someone apart?"
"If he hadn't unfriended me, I would have the proof of his messages."
"I want to rip him apart. He's so self absorbed when he was the one actually making me uncomfortable."
"I decided to move to this thread because things are getting really bad and I didn't want to ruin my other thread. But they basically cal..."
"Okay. I'm not too great now, world. People are stressing me out."
"I am egg. I incubate now, world. Okay?"
"I like how you drop off into oblivion mid conversation."
Misfit Cloud's Recent Quiz Comments
"I wouldn't say I'm an antagonist... More of an "anti-hero"."
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