Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester smiled. ‘Does this feel OK?’ he murmured, wanting Jayden to relax. It’d been a pretty rough day.
Jayd gave a small nod. "Yeah." He mumbled.
Chester continued to rub his back, occasionally kissing him gently. ‘Love you.’
Jayd blushed. "Love you too." He said quietly.
(Dammit, gtg for 30-ish minutes!) -
(Dammit, alr!)
Chester kissed his neck. -
Jayden gave a small smile.
Chester smiled.
Jayd looked up at him. "You're very beautiful." He murmured.
Chester massaged his shoulders. ‘So are you, my darling.’
Jayden blushed. "But you're much more beautiful." He smiled.
‘No I’m not, hot stuff. Now relax.’
"Hot stuff?" Jayd mocked. "You're way more beautiful, but fine, I'll relax." He tried to relax.
Chester rolled his eyes. ‘You are very hot,’ he murmured. ‘No arguing. Just relax.’
"Hardly." Jayden disagreed, but he otherwise he kept quiet.
Chester chuckled. ‘Shh,’ he hushed Jayden, continuing to massage him.
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