Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayden laughed, leaning into Chester slightly more.
Chester held him close. ‘You go back the day after tomorrow, right?’ he murmured.
Jayden nodded. "Yeah..." He said, not happy about it.
Chester sighed. He kissed Jayden’s cheek. ‘We will have to talk business eventually,’ he said. ‘The treaty and such.’
Jayd nodded, sighing. "Yeah..." He mumbled.
Chester smiled gently. ‘Tomorrow.’
"Tomorrow." Jayden nodded. He wasn't looking forward to talking about all the boring parts of the treaty.
Chester kissed his forehead. ‘Great. Now, what should we do for now?’
"I don't know." Jayden shrugged, smiling.
‘Hmm..’ Chester looked around the room. He wanted Jayden to relax around him as much as possible, to not be afraid, but how would he go about that?
Jayden looked up at Chester. "What're you thinking about?" He asked quietly.
Chester shook his head. ‘Doesn’t matter,’ he said. He moved his hands up to Jayden’s shoulders, gently massaging them. ‘Tell me if this hurts, OK?’
Jayden wanted to know what he was thinking, but kpt quiet. "Ok." He gave a small smile.
Chester moved behind him, rubbing his hands along Jayden’s back to massage him. He pressed a kiss on the back of his head.
Jayd blushed, chuckling.
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