Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayden chuckled, rolling on his stomach. "All right, I get it." -
(FiNaLlY /j)
Chester chuckled and kissed the back of his neck, continuing to massage him. ‘Feeling relaxed yet?’ -
"Yeah." Jayd admit. "Thank you, love." -
‘Anything for you, my darling,’ Chester murmured.
Jayden blushed. He wanted to kiss Chester if he wasn't being massaged at the moment- plus part of him mind was practically forcing him not to.
Chester smiled at his reaction.
Jayd looked up at Chester again, turning slightly to his side to do so.
Chester tucked a curl behind Jayden’s ear. ‘What’s wrong, darling?’
"Nothing." Jayden smiled.
Chester smiled. ‘OK,’ he murmured, continuing to massage him.
Jayd kept looking at Chester. "You know I love you, right?" He asked quietly. "Even after everything that happened today?"
Chester smiled, wings folding against his back. ‘Of course, my darling. I love you too.’
(f--- I still need to pack for camp) -
(Pack you idiot. I'll still be here lmao)
Jayden blushed, smiling. He noticed the wings folding up. Was that a sign he was lying? He knew it wasn't about Chester loving him- or at least, he considered that unthinkable- but did he really know how much Jayd loved him? He kept quiet all the same. -
(f--- me and my procrastination 😭 I’ll multitask)
Chester continued massaging him. ‘My love,’ he murmured into Jayden’s ear. ‘All I want is for you to be happy.’ -
(b----, you can leave and pack, I don't mind XD)
Jayden gave a weak smile. "I'm happy." He mumbled back. In that moment, he was really glad he didn't have to tell the truth like Chester did, since he was scared of what the real answer would be. It wasn't like he wasn't happy or anything... He just tended to have other emotions crowding out that happiness most of the time.
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