Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayden gave a small smile, nodding. "We better." He murmured.
Chester kissed his forehead. ‘We will. Good things come from work, my darling,’ he said softly, tucking a curl behind Jayden’s hair.
Jayd blushed, smiling wider. He gave Chester a tight hug.
Chester’s heart fluttered. He smiled and nuzzled his head into his shoulder, both his arms and wings wrapping around Jayden, like a tight cocoon.
Jayden didn't mind it, in fact, he enjoyed it. It made him feel like multiple people were hugging him at once.
Chester held him close. He sighed into his shoulder. ‘I’ve got you,’ he murmured. ‘Everything will get better.’
How do you know that, murderer? Jayden's mind thought quickly. He shoved that thought deep into the bottom of him mind.
"Thank you." He mumbled. -
Chester felt him tense up. He sighed. Was Jayden scared of him, even now, in their tight embrace? What was he thinking about? ‘I love you,’ he murmured.
"I love you too." Jayd said quietly, looking up at Chester.
Chester ran a hand through Jayden’s hair, making a small whimpering sound. His wings tightened around his boyfriend. It pained him that, despite the love Chester was sure Jayden had for him, his boyfriend was scared of him. ‘Love you more.’
Jayden noticed Chester whimpering. "Hey, hey, no, that's not possible, I love you much more." He said quickly, holding Chester tighter. "Why are you sad?" What'd I do wrong this time?
Chester buried his face in Jayden’s shirt. ‘I hate that you’re scared,’ he mumbled, shutting his eyes tight when they started welling up. ‘I should’ve kept my stupid mouth shut.’
Jayd's face fell. He held Chester's face in his hands. "Hey, no this isn't your fault. I'm glad you told me, really. It would've been way worse if I found out through Maeve or something, right?" He hated being the reason Chester was upset. The reason he was crying.
Chester refused to look him in the eye. ‘I guess…’ he mumbled. ‘But now you’re scared of your own boyfriend. It’s entirely my fault.’
"No, it's not your fault." Jayden said quietly. "I'm so sorry. It's my fault, ok? Not yours at all." His eyes welled up with tears.
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