Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester seemed to relax. ‘Thank you.’
Jayden gave a small smile. "Of course." He paused. "How'd you figure out you had this power?"
Chester paled. ‘I-It happened to Maeve,’ he mumbled. ‘By accident. I told her to do her chores, and she had no choice but to. I didn’t realise it had happened until later, when she had no recount of the previous 2 hours.’
Jayd's eyes widened. "Oh my god." He mumbled.
Chester nodded. ‘Yeah.’
"I'm so sorry." Jayden whispered.
Chester shook his head. ‘Don’t be.’
Jayd shook his head. "Nope, I still am."
"Because that's a terrible situation for you." Jayden leaned his head on Chester's shoulder.
Chester ran his hand through Jayden’s hair. ‘I love you.’
"I love you too." Jayd gave a small smile.
Chester let a small smile spread on his lips.
Jayden kissed Chester's cheek, smiling wider.
Chester relaxed in his arms.
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