Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayd let him, playing with his hair.
Chester buried his face in his shoulder.
Jayden kissed the top of his head.
Chester blushed. He felt so vulnerable, but he didn’t mind it much.
Jayd liked this side of Chester, though to be fair, he liked practically every side of Chester.
Chester sighed deeply. ‘I’m sorry I hid this from you,’ he murmured.
"It's ok." Jayde sad quietly.
Chester shifted his position so he could wrap his arms and wings around his boyfriend. ‘I should’ve told you the first time it happened..’
"It's fine. It was the first day, wasn't it?" Jayd smiled. "I don't blame you for not telling me immediately."
Chester hated that he had a point. He sighed, fiddling with Jayden’s hair. He liked how it curled at the back. ‘Ok,’ he mumbled.
Jayden let him play with his hair, smiling. As long as it helped comfort Chester, he didn't mind.
Chester ran his finger along a curl that stuck out at the back. He eventually looked back at Jayden. ‘Thank you.’
"For what?" Jayd asked softly.
‘For being awesome.’
Jayden chuckled. "You're awesomeer... That's a word."
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