Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester rolled his eyes, pulling Jayden slightly closer with his wings. He rubbed Jayden’s back with his hands.
Jayden blushed, grinning.
‘Is this OK?’ he murmured, flexing his wings slightly.
"Yeah." Jayd nodded. "This is great."
Chester smiled. ‘Good,’ he murmured. Their bodies were pressed together. Chester continued rubbing his back.
Jayden smiled, closing his eyes.
Chester’s wings tightened around him again. Chester nuzzled his face into Jayden’s neck. ‘Love you.’
Jayd wrapped his arms around Chester. "Love you too."
Chester smiled. He gently kissed his cheek.
Jayden blushed, grinning.
Chester couldn’t resist it. He pressed kisses into his neck, pulling him somehow closer.
Jayd blushed bright red, letting him.
Chester ran a hand through his hair as he did so, figuring Jayden could pull away if it was too much. He moved his arm down to his waist.
Jayden leaned his head into Chester.
Chester kissed him some more, before finally pulling his head back.
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