Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayden chuckled. "Love you." He mumbled.
There was that pretty laugh again. Chester held him close. ‘Love you too.’
Jayd smiled, snuggling into Chester.
Chester held him close.
Jayden blushed.
Chester smiled. He kissed Jayden’s neck.
Jayd smiled softly.
‘So beautiful,’ Chester murmured, tracing a finger down Jayden’s back before gently rubbing it.
Jayden blushed, letting him. "Yes, you are." He grinned.
‘I was talking about you.’
"Shush, you're the beautiful one. I'm just the funny one."
‘No, you’re the cute and pretty one, I’m the clingy and possessive one.’
"No, I'm the funny one and you're the beautiful- and maybe a little clingy one."
‘The very clingy one, you mean. You’re the adorable eye candy.’
Jayden shook his head. "Nope. You're the adorable eye candy, love."
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