Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
‘Yes, we’re coming,’ Chester said, annoying.
Maeve smiled. "See you there!" She said before disappearing. Jayden got up.
Chester made a whining sound. He grabbed Jayden’s waist and pulled him back closer to him. ‘Just a few more minutes,’ he murmured.
Jayd chuckled. "Fine." He laid back down. "Just a couple minutes."
Chester pulled him closer, pressing a kiss on his neck.
Jayden blushed, smiling.
‘You have no idea how much I want you,’ Chester murmured, pressing more kisses into his neck.
Jayd blushed. Hard. "I-Uhm..."
"N-nothing..." Jayden said quietly.
Chester smiled, pulled him closer. He kissed his neck. ‘Ok.’
Theo blushed, smiling.
Chester kissed him on the lips.
Jayden blushed, closing his eyes and kissing him back.
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