Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayd gave a small smile. "Then you'll have to check again, love."
Jayden chuckled. "Why not?"
‘Because I don’t need to,’ Chester said, kissing his shoulder.
Jayd blushed. "But it'd prove you're the best." He smiled.
‘No it wouldn’t.’
"Oh yes it would.
Chester shook his head.
Jayden nodded.
Chester rolled his eyes.
Jayd grinned.
Chester kissed his shoulder again. They got to the dining room.
Jayden opened the door for him. "Eye candy first." He chuckled.
"FINALLY!" Maeve cheered. -
Chester grabbed his waist and pushed him in first. ‘You said it yourself,’ he murmured. Then smiled. ‘Hello, Maeve.’
"Hey, nope, you're the eye candy." Jayd walked out of the room before pushing Chester in. "There, you're first." He looked up at Maeve. "You can agree with me, right?"
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