Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester smirked. ‘Do elaborate.’
"At least we didn't walk around shoving the other because we thought they were eye candy." Maeve teased.
‘Mm, but I did witness a lot of flirting..’
Maeve didn't look him in the eye. "Maybe a little bit." She admit.
‘Do you need examples? I’ve got quite a few.’
"Ok, ok, we did it a lot, I get it!"
Chester chuckled. ‘So I can tell my boyfriend how beautiful he is, OK?’
Maeve huffed. "Fine."
Chester wrapped an arm around Jayden’s waist. ‘Good,’ he said.
Jayd blushed, smiling. "Thanks, Maeve." He chuckled.
Chester kissed Jayden’s forehead.
Jayden blushed. He ate his food.
Chester smiled. He wanted to kiss him more, but Maeve was nearby, and he figured that would stop him from being a good caretaker. He started eating.
Maeve looked at Chester. "Ugh, you look like a little kid trying not to do something because he knows he'd get in trouble for it." She rolled her eyes.
‘Which is what you’re always doing.’
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