Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester smiled.
Jayden smiled back. Maeve teleported again.
"Come ON guys!" -
Chester huffed. ‘Fine, fine, we’re coming,’ he grumbled.
Jayd chuckled, standing up. Maeve teleported back to the kitchen.
Chester sighed dramatically. He stood up and inspected himself through the mirror. His shirt was torn from wear his bat and phoenix wings had poked out, creating two big rips in the back of his shirt. He fixed his ginger hair.
‘I look like a hobo,’ he said glumly. -
"You look beautiful." Jayden argued, kissing his cheek. "Now c'mon, lets go."
Chester sighed and followed him to the door.
Jayd smiled, walking into the hallway and over to the dining room.
Chester followed.
Jayden grabbed his hand, smiling.
Chester blushed, smiling.
Jayd grinned. "You're the best." He mumbled.
Chester leaned closer. ‘Is that so?’
(I gtg a bit, I’ll be back in about an hour or smth) -
(Ok but then I'll be gone too, and I won't be back for a w h i l e, about 5 ish hours 😭)
"Y-yeah." Jayden mumbled. -
(Dammit, see you then! 😭)
Chester smirked at his stutter. He gently turned Jayden’s head so he was looking at him. ‘Last time I checked, the best was you.’
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