Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
"No. Now just believe me." He chuckled.
Chester shut up. His hand ran through Jayden’s hair. ‘Ok,’ he mumbled, but only half believing him.
"Wait, nope, you don't have to believe me." Jayden said quickly. "I mean, you should, since I'm right... But I'm not forcing you to."
Chester raised an eyebrow. ‘I’m confused.’
"I'm not forcing you to believe me." Jayd said. "But I'm right, so it'd be smart to agree with me."
Jayden nodded, chuckling.
Chester kissed his neck. ‘I’ll go back to what I thought.’
"Ugh, fine." Jayd muttered.
Chester smirked playfully.
Jayden rolled his eyes.
Chester grinned.
Jayd chuckled. "Whatever."
Chester pressed some more kisses into his neck. Maeve appeared in the room. ‘You guys coming for dinner or what?’
Chester jumped, pulling his head back from Jayden. ‘Maeve! -
Jayden looked up quickly.
"Well, are you guys coming?" Maeve asked, seeming unfazed.
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