Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester held him close, closing his eyes.
Jayd scooted slightly closer to him.
Chester eventually broke the kiss. He ran a finger down Jayden’s waist.
Jayd blushed, opening his eyes.
Chester smiled.
Jayden smiled back. "We probably have to go to dinner now..."
Chester pouted. ‘Are you sure?’
"Do you want Maeve to teleport here again?" Jayd chuckled. "It's fine, we'll do this later."
Chester kissed his neck. ‘Just a little bit longer…’
"Fiiine." Jayden rolled his eyes.
Chester pressed more kisses into his neck.
Jayd blushed, grinning.
Chester traced patterns on Jayden’s skin, gently rubbing his back. ‘Aren’t you glad we stayed back? I am.’
Jayd chuckled. "Yes, yes, I'm glad."
Chester smiled, happy with that answer. He kissed Jayden’s neck.
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