Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Maeve rolled her eyes. ‘What are you guys doing now?’
Chester walked back outside. ‘Nope, nope, nope,’ he said, wrapping his arms around Jayden from behind and pushing him in. -
"Forcing the eye candy boyfriend to go in first, which is obviously Chester, right?"
"Seeing as he's my brother, and I have a girlfriend, I can neither confirm nor deny." She answered. "Now get over here, your food got cold like, 5 minutes ago." -
‘Exactly. You hate me so much you’ve got to go with Jayden,’ Chester said, still trying to force Jayden in before him without hurting him.
Jayd kept resisting, squirming to try and get out of Chester's grip. "Let go of me, eye candy."
Chester smirked, holding onto his waist. He picked him up. ‘Stop wriggling!’
Jayden blushed. "Stop denying you're eye candy." He muttered, but didn't resist Chester holding him since he was very anti falling face-first on the floor. Maeve giggled.
‘No,’ Chester murmured, kissing his neck, then carrying him to his seat.
"But you are." Jayd mumbled. "I mean, duh, look at yourself."
‘Shut up, Celeste,’ Chester said, plopping Jayden down on his seat.
Jayden shook his head, sitting down. He grabbed his plate.
Chester kissed his neck again before sitting down next to him.
Jayd leaned into Chester.
"Looooovebirds." Mahina teased. -
‘Oh? Like I had to put up with whenever you’re with your girlfriend?’ -
Maeve turned bright red. "That's... That's different!"
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