Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayd blushed, hanging on to him. "I beg to differ, since you are."
‘Too bad, my love.’
"But you are!"
Chester kissed his neck. ‘Stop lying, my darling.’
(AFK to have a shower, I’ll be back in about 10 mins) -
"I'm not a liar!" -
Chester smirked. ‘Mhmmm,’ he hummed, walking to the bedroom.
Jayden glared. "I'm not!"
‘I was agreeing with you, sweetheart.’
"It sounded sarcastic." Jayd accused.
Chester gasped dramatically. ‘No!’
Jayden snickered.
Chester looked mockingly offended. ‘How dare you think so of me!’
Jayd rolled his eyes. "Oh relax, Mister Sarcasm."
Chester laughed. They got to Jayden’s room. Chester nudged the door open and lay Jayden down on the bed.
Jayden smiled. It wasn't too late, luckily.
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