Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayden cocked his head to the side slightly out of confusion. "Uhm... Ok..."
Chester smiled and kissed his forehead.
Jayd smiled. "Thanks for being understanding."
‘You’re welcome. Take all the time you need.’
Jayden wrapped his arms around Chester, pulling him into a hug.
Chester wrapped his arms around Jayden, nuzzling his head into his shoulder. ‘I can leave you now, if you want,’ he offered. ‘If you want more time to think.’
Jayd shook his head. "No, I want you to stay for now. Just... Once I get tired, I'm kicking you out, ok?"
Chester chuckled. ‘Of course. M’
Jayden smiled, kissing Chester's cheek.
Chester smiled. He kissed Jayden’s nose.
Jayd blushed, grinning.
Chester smiled.
Jayden leaned into him. "How are you, eye candy?"
Chester blushed. ‘Stop talking to yourself, darling.’
"Shut up and answer the question, dummy." Jayd laughed.
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