Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
"Because it's way too charming and you're making me flustered."
‘But you like it.’
Jayd went silent, blushing. "Oh, just... Shut up." He mumbled.
Chester grinned, kissing his neck. ‘But we’ve already established that you like it when I talk, too.’
Jayden huffed. "Whatever." He muttered.
Chester smiled. ‘Feeling tired yet?’
"Not yet." Jayd shook his head. "Unless you want to leave."
‘No, I’ll stay,’ Chester murmured. ‘Just checking.’
Jayden smiled.
Chester kissed his neck, then gazed into his eyes. ‘I think someone stole the stars and put them in your eyes,’ he murmured, touching his cheek.
(Google has some great pick up lines) -
(Lmao yesss)
Jayden blushed. "Tha-I-Uhm..." -
Chester kissed his nose. ‘So pretty,’ he murmured.
Jayd blushed harder. "N-n-no, you are."
Chester shook his head.
Jayden nodded.
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