Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayd closed his eyes again.
Chester pressed kisses into his neck.
Jayden blushed, smiling.
Chester held him close.
Jayd opened his eyes again to look at his beautiful boyfriend.
Chester ran a finger along his jawline with a lovestruck gaze. ‘Can I keep you forever?’ he murmured.
Jayden blushed bright red. "Y-yeah." He mumbled, snuggling into Chester more.
Chester smiled, running a hand through his hair. ‘How beautiful…’
"Yes you are." Jayden responded.
‘Shut up, Celeste,’ Chester mumbled, kissing his neck. ‘Let me compliment you, just for a little bit?’
Jayd blushed. "Fine." He mumbled.
Chester smiled and pulled him closer by the waist. ‘You’d make the devil sweat.’
Jayden blushed. "N-not true." He hated it when he stuttered.
Chester kissed his nose. ‘Of course it’s true.’
"N-no." Jayd stuttered again. "Not true."
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