Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
‘Yes it is,’ Chester said, booping his nose. ‘You’re too hot.’
Jayd blushed. Hard. "I-y-that-" He stopped talking.
Chester smiled. He pressed kisses into his neck.
Jayden blushed, letting him.
Chester held onto him by the waist as he did so.
(Hang on afk so I can eat. Might be back might not be in the next 1-2 hours, sorry 😭)
(All good! I was going to have to go soon anyways.)
Jayd looked up at Chester, blushing. -
(I is here. Morning tea was gross)
Chester eventually pulled his head back. He smiled down at Jayden. -
(Lmao. I still have to go soon, I got math tutoring😭)
Jayden smiled back. -
(That sucks 😭 But I gotta be at zip lining now so xD)
Chester kissed his nose. -
(Lol alr)
Jayd blushed. "You're too charming." He mumbled. -
‘That’s the point, darling.’
Jayden sighed. "I love you." He mumbled.
Chester tucked a curl behind his ear. ‘Love you too.’
Jayd smiled, kissing Chester's cheek.
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