Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayd looked up. "You're too amazing for me." He said simply, like it was the most obvious thing in the world, since, to him, it was.
Chester just smiled. ‘I’m really not.’
Jayden nodded. "Yes you are. Now let me compliment you."
Chester raised an eyebrow. ‘Fine. But no more ‘you don’t deserve me’ crap, OK?’
Jayd sighed. "But you don't. You deserve much better. Obviously." He mumbled.
‘I don’t. I love you, and that’s all that matters.’
Jayden sighed again, but was smiling. "Thank god for that." He murmured.
"Thank god you love me." Jayd repeated, smiling.
Chester tucked a curl behind his ear. ‘Why’s that?’
"Because I don't deserve you. I just said that like, 10 seconds ago." Jayden chuckled.
Chester rolled his eyes. ‘You do.’
"Nope." Jayd shook his head.
Chester leaned close, lips next to his ear as he murmured, ‘You don’t decide what I deserve, Celeste. I want you, and you want me, so that’s all that matters.’
Jayden blushed. "F-fine..." He mumbled. He'd never tell Chester how happy that made him feel.
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