Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester looked up at him. His wings tightened around his boyfriend.
‘Your fault?’ he murmured. ‘Why… how is it your fault? It’s not your fault.’ -
"I'm the one scared of you over something that happened years ago. For something that's not even your fault." Jayd said quietly. "I'm the one making you upset."
Chester wiped away Jayden’s tears with his thumb. ‘No you’re not. I don’t blame you for being in shock about your boyfriend being a…’ he couldn’t finish that sentence. He was a murderer. ‘Point is, I love you no matter what. This is not your fault.’
"I don't care what you blame me and don't blame me for." Jayden mumbled. Because I blame myself, and won't forgive myself for it, no matter what you say. "I love you too, Chester. Always."
Chester frowned. ‘You should,’ he said, tilting Jayden’s head gently up. ‘None of this is your fault, OK?’
Jayd didn't answer, but didn't move his head away from Chester.
‘Tell me you believe me.’
Jayden inhaled sharply. "Don't make me lie to you, love." He said quietly.
Chester stared into his eyes. They flashed red for a second. ‘Please believe me.’
Jayd's eyes widened. He tried to back up as much as he could.
Chester noticed his reaction. His eyes welled with tears, and his wings slowly moved off of Jayden. ‘What?’
Jayden didn't back up much more. "I-I'm sorry." He said quickly. "You're eyes- they were red." Saying it now, it sounded like a dumb excuse for backing away from his own boyfriend. "I'm sorry." He repeated.
Chester hid his head in his wings. ‘No, no, I’m sorry,’ he mumbled.
"No, it's not your fault, you didn't realize it was happening." Jayd answered, hating himself for making Chester feel so bad about himself. He didn't deserve to feel that way.
Chester knew what could’ve happened if Jayden hadn’t backed away. It’d happened to Maeve before, and since then he’d done his best to never let it happen again. But with Jayden, it seemed to be happening more and more…
‘I’m sorry,’ he whimpered.
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