Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
‘To relax you,’ Chester murmured. ‘It’s been a rough day, yeah?’ And maybe if I make you feel good, you won’t be scared anymore.
"Yeah, it has." Jayden admit. "Thank you." He gave a small smile.
Chester smiled. ‘My pleasure,’ he said softly.
Jayd smiled wider.
Chester continued to massage him, hands moving up to his shoulders then slowly back down to his lower back.
Jayd closed his eyes, fully relaxed now.
Chester smiled. He leaned down and kissed the back of Jayden’s neck, then continued massaging him.
Jayden blushed, opening his eyes.
Chester smiled wider.
Jayd turned slightly to his side so he could look at Chester.
Chester continued massaging him.
Jayden grinned. "Love you." He murmured.
‘Love you too,’ Chester murmured.
Jayd smiled.
(Dammit, gtg again, gonna be back in an hour minimum D: I WILL be back tho!) -
(Alr, cya! ;-;)
Chester gently turned Jayden back on his stomach.
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