Vampire Prince
Thread Topic: Vampire Prince
Mildred chuckled. She walked through the crowd and stood at Jack’s door. ‘You good?’
Mildred would be able to see jack standing on top of his coffin "it was staring right at me when I woke up. That was terrifying." Jack said.
‘You were screaming like a girl,’ Mildred teased.
"it was a very scary creature. Rats are the most unsanitary animal in the animal kingdom.
‘I guess. But they’re everywhere,’ Mildred said, leaning against the doorframe. ‘And you haven’t caught a plague yet.’
"we're vampires, we don't get plagues often. It does happen though." Jack said
‘Exactly. Funny how everyone was just watching, though,’ Mildred said. ‘Is it early?’
"it's sunset right now. So it is quite early." Jack said
‘I’m going back to bed, then,’ Mildred said.
"goodnight Mildred." Jack said
‘Goodnight, Jack,’ Mildred said, walking out of the room and shutting the door.
Jack stepped out of the coffin and looked around his room. It still had many of his childhood toys. He wasn't able to give away his things. He was simply too busy
Mildred walked back to her room and flopped down onto the bed, nestling under the blankets.
Jack picked up his stuffed rabbit. He was still quite fond of it. He nuzzled the rabbit to his chest.
It took a while for Mildred to get tired again, but she fell into a light sleep eventually.
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