Vampire Prince
Thread Topic: Vampire Prince
"I wish all funerals were easy to attend, but if it were easy, then maybe it wouldn't be as important." Jack mused
Mildred thought that over for a moment, then nodded. ‘That’s a good way to look at it.’
"it's hard to see off those who matter. Though I feel in those moments they see us. I think that's the point that everyone truly understands how valuable they were for those in their lives." Jack mused.
‘You’re very poetic,’ Mildred said, not sure how else to respond. She wasn’t as eloquent.
"I try to be. I started talking like this to sound cool and I never grew out of it." Jack said sincerely
Mildred chuckled. ‘Well, it is cool,’ she said.
"I'm glad you agree. Maybe someday I'll give you a course on poetry. Be forewarned you'd have to sit through my awful poems." Jack said jokingly
‘I bet your poems are great, but I wouldn’t mind that,’ Mildred said, smiling.
"they're a bit cringe inducing. But I'm glad you'd read them." Jack said, smiling. It made jack feel warm to know Mildred wanted to read his poems to an extent
‘They can’t be that bad. What do you like writing about?’ Mildred asked.
"I wrote a lot of verses on loneliness and betrayal. I'd rather write about other things now. Somber writings like that kill my mood." Jack said
‘I can imagine. Can I actually read them sometime, though?’ Mildred asked.
"well ... Maybe. But you have to promise you won't make fun of them." Jack said, blushing as he remembered embarrassingly dramatic verses he wrote
Mildred grinned. ‘Fine, fine, I promise.’
"I'll hold you to that." Jack said
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