Vampire Prince
Thread Topic: Vampire Prince
‘Some of the humans were really nice to beggars,’ Mildred said.
"really? They don't ignore them?" Jack asked
‘I mean, most of them ignore them. But some are nice.’
"I feel like Wilhelm goes beyond that either way. He's the type to pay for their funerals because he understands that someone cares about them." Jack said
‘He does seem very king,’ Mildred said.
"yep. Did you ever meet someone like him back in the human town?" Jack asked
‘One of the pastors of an old church. He died a few years ago, though,’ Mildred said.
"oh, I imagine many people went ho his funeral." Jack said thoughtfully
‘Yeah, even a couple of the nobles went.’
"nobles? At the church? How interesting." Jack said
‘He was well known. I think the nobles wanted people to like them for caring or something,’ Mildred said.
"that's no way to gain admiration. Brown nosers like that don't deserve to go to funerals." Jack said
‘I guess. I just wish I could’ve gone,’ Mildred said, taking a bite from the bread pudding.
"it's hard not visiting funerals. Especially for the really important people." Jack said. He took a somber bite of the pudding
‘Yeah, it sucks,’ Mildred said.
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