Vampire Prince
Thread Topic: Vampire Prince
‘Good to know.’ Mildred finished eating and stood up. ‘I’m gonna go find something to do before bed.’
"see you tomorrow." Jack said fondly.
‘See you,’ Mildred said with a smile, walking out of the dining room
Jack stuck around, enjoying the bread pudding. He looked into the fireplace behind him. It was a warm spot in the winter
Mildred walked to her room, wondering if she should take up knitting. She sat on her bed, then got up after 2 seconds and opened the wardrobe. Jack had told her not to touch any of the clothes in there when they first met, since they were “reserved for someone”, and she figured that someone was Frederick. She looked through it out of curiosity, but making sure not to move around any of the clothes.
Jack thought about the winter as he ate the bread pudding.
In the drawer there were many fancy suits and coats in vibrant colors, the most common being emerald green. -
‘All these nice clothes, gone to waste,’ Mildred mused to herself.
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