Vampire Prince
Thread Topic: Vampire Prince
‘Sounds good.’ Mildred sat on the little stool beside Jack’s throne. ‘What are they?’
"well, we have Hamilton which is about a revolutionary fighter in a human town and then we have epic which is based off of the odyssey" jack said
‘The Odyssey? Like, the Greek myth thing?’ Mildred asked.
"yes, Greek mythology. But the odyssey is specifically about Odysseus and his journey to return to his wife Penelope and his son Telemachus." Jack said
‘Oh, that sounds nice. We can go and see that, if you want,’ Mildred said.
"nice. I'll send out my order for tickets." Jack said before blowing a small whistle. A bat came down from the rafters. "Thali, bring this to the Transylvania theater please." Jack said to the bat as he handed it a small official looking letter. The bat nodded and flew away with the letter.
‘I didn’t know bats can understand English. Or is that a vampire as a bat?’ Mildred said.
"quite frankly, I'm not sure. Some of our perma bats like to work for the society and some of the bats just understand what I say. It's an ongoing study." Jack said
‘Oh, right. That’s cool,’ Mildred said, putting her hair up in a ponytail with the ribbon she’d been given a day or two before.
"I am fairly excited for this dance opera. They've actually sent a petition to start calling them musicals. The reviews are also positive." Jack said
Mildred smiled. ‘It does sound good. And I suppose “musical” is more catchy than dance opera,’ she said.
"it's far catchier." Jack agreed. He looked through a few small documents, acknowledging the daily happenings of the populace
Mildred nodded. She looked over his shoulder nosily at the documents.
From what Mildred could see the Barca family was having a particularly tough struggle getting their kid to learn the abcs and Marla was going through a messy divorce. Jack flipped boredly through the papers
Mildred glanced at him, then back at the papers.
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