Vampire Prince
Thread Topic: Vampire Prince
"it seems everything is normal in the kingdom." Jack said as he finished looking through the papers.
‘Do you always get updates like this? I didn’t think it would be the king’s business whether or not a random child can learn the alphabet,’ Mildred said.
"firstly, that's Jared Barca, he might have a developmental disability. Second I have to know everything that's going on in the kingdom. They send me these reports and I have to figure out if we need any changes based on the reports." Jack said
‘Right. Fair enough, I guess,’ Mildred said.
"it's one of the reasons being king is boring." Jack said
Mildred chuckled. ‘And what are the other reasons?’
"there's nothing to do in the castle and if I go outside people get really tense." Jack said
‘I guess. Why don’t you step down, then? Let someone else be king until Alexander wakes up?’ Mildred asked.
"and let my family legacy be destroyed? There's several reasons why I can't step down and the family is the least of it." Jack said
‘Is there nobody else in your family to temporarily take over? If you really don’t enjoy it maybe it isn’t worth it,’ Mildred said.
"there are no other royal vampires. The only person that could truly take over would be nosfera but the people would riot if she was given the throne without properly marrying into the family." Jack said
‘Well, that sucks,’ Mildred said. ‘So you’re forced to be king?’
"pretty much. I can't really get out of it so I just have to stick through with it until Alexander wakes up." Jack said
‘I’m sorry to hear that,’ Mildred said.
"it's not too big of a deal. Someday I'll get out of being surrogate king." Jack said
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