Vampire Prince
Thread Topic: Vampire Prince
Jack had often wished he could work up the emotional strength to give the rabbit away and give up on his childish mind but he never could bring himself to send the rabbit away
Mildred had another nightmare. It didn’t make much sense, just everything crappy in the world mushed together.
Jack set the rabbit down and got dressed for the day. He decided to wear a vibrant orange necktie today.
Mildred curled up in her sleep.
Jack was very proud of his excessive neck tie.
Mildred started awake not even 10 minutes later. She buried her face in her pillow, took a moment to convince herself the dream wasn’t real, then groaned and sat up. She got up and brushed her hair, smoothing down her dress.
Jack walked through the grand hallways and sat down at his throne. The party was soon but even more pressing, today was the day he was taking Mildred to see a dance Opera.
Mildred wasn’t entirely sure what to wear. Either her simple green dress or the rags. She went with the green dress and looked for Jack.
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