Vampire Prince
Thread Topic: Vampire Prince
"yes. They specialize in dresses fit for any occasion but especially special occasions." Jack said as he opened the door. The shopkeeper inside jumped
Mildred looked over his shoulder inside.
"the inside was decorated with star motifs and featured an arrangement of different dresses spanning from fairytale dresses to humble work clothes. Jack held the door open for Mildred.
Mildred stepped inside, practically bouncing excitedly.
Jack stepped in behind Mildred, feeling happier about the trip then he was a few minutes ago. "Welcome to splendor satin, what are you looking for today?" The shopkeeper asked timidly. The shopkeeper was nervous but not as nervous as the people in town.
Mildred looked at Jack, having no idea what she was looking for.
"well, we're looking for a few casual daytime dresses that would be easy to clean and an evening dress for an event. We're going to see a dance opera. Mildred, do you have any color preferences?" Jack said
Mildred thought for a moment. ‘Um, earthy colours, I guess. But I like purple too.’
"hmm, I think I can work with that give me just a moment. Feel free to browse in the meantime." The shopkeeper said before going into the back of the store. "Green looks great on you, but I hope she finds a purple evening dress." Jack said
‘Purple does fit better with the theme,’ Mildred agreed.
"it's quite a grand event. That's why I wore my orange tie today." Jack said, drawing attention to his brightly colored neckwear.
Mildred chuckled. ‘It’s a very nice tie,’ she agreed.
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