Vampire Prince
Thread Topic: Vampire Prince
"I'm not sure. Maybe we could look around the shops. Who knows, maybe there'll be something cool." Jack said
‘Sounds good to me,’ Mildred said with a smile, following.
Jack smiled and walked down the street with Mildred. He was slightly less uncomfortable with the unrest among the people because he was too busy looking at Mildred
Mildred walked alongside him, looking around at all the buildings and people. It was different to the human town, in a good way. But the way people had looked at them made her think they thought the two were as bad as the human king. Those were the looks you gave someone you were scared of.
Jack looked in a window and saw an exotic jam shop. "Pineapple jelly." Jack mumbled absentmindedly
‘I didn’t know such a thing existed,’ Mildred said, looking up at him.
"it's an odd little idea. I didn't know we even had pineapples in this kingdom." Jack said
‘How strange,’ Mildred chuckled.
"jelly is good though. My people might not eat but we like the taste of foods and vampires especially like jelly." Jack said
‘Jelly is good,’ Mildred nodded. She then impulsively did a twirl because of the longer skirt of her dress and she liked twirling in longer skirts.
Jack twirled after Mildred did. This was his first thought after seeing Mildred twirl.
Mildred giggled, watching him.
Jack got a silly idea. "Hey, Mildred, do you want to do something a bit out of ordinary?" Jack asked
‘I’m up for anything out of ordinary, what are you thinking?’ Mildred asked.
Jack grinned. "let's dance." He said, extending his hand
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