Vampire Prince
Thread Topic: Vampire Prince
Mildred took the ticket and run her finger over the corner.
"be careful with that. The edges are sharp." Jack warned
‘Alright,’ Mildred said with a small chuckle.
Jack handed his ticket to a bouncer at an intricate door. It was carved from the wood of the olive tree. The theater had the door made for the performance
Mildred handed her ticket to the bouncer after Jack did.
The bouncer opened the imposing and beautiful Olive doors and led them through the theater. The theater itself was just as impressive as the doors. The stage was covered in a myriad of different emblems made of several different metals. The vampire's disinterest in pure gold made a beautiful mixture of metals culminating in a comedy and tragedy mask pair made with a mixture of copper, silver, and gold that seemed to sparkle like nothing else. The chairs were made with a strange fabric that felt both plush and smooth but made no sound. On each side were marvelous balconies with family crests adorned with small gemstones. The lamps around the room however, were somehow the most glamorous item. Each small lamp illuminating the theater had a lampshade made of quartz. Jack followed the bouncer to a grouping of chairs in a disorganized rainbow.
‘Woah,’ Mildred murmured under her breath. She followed Jack, looking around at the wonderful theatre.
Jack sat down at the third seat in the aisle. It was orange like his tie. Coincidentally the chair next to it was purple. The second chair in the aisle was green and the first chair was red.
Mildred sat down in the purple chair next to him and smoothed down her skirt. She looked around at all the decorations, then back up at Jack.
"the orchestra is still setting up but the musical should start fairly soon after they dim the lights." Jack said, looking from the comedy and tragedy masks to Mildred
‘Okay,’ Mildred said with a smile. Even if she did feel a little out of place in the grand theatre, she figured she didn’t look it, and she was still very excited.
As if on cue, the lights started to fade and a beautiful melody started from the pit.
Ts to the end of the musical?)) -
(Sure :))
The curtains closed after the last song and the lights turned back on. -
Jack was sobbing like a baby as the closing music played the last note. A few people glanced confused at the prince before quickly rushing away. "It was so beautiful..." Jack said through the drama king tears
Mildred made a sound that was half a giggle and half a crying sound as she leaned back in her chair. She had tears too, but wasn’t sobbing like a certain someone.
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