Vampire Prince
Thread Topic: Vampire Prince
"we have sticks with sweetened frozen orange juice as well as several dishes using rabbit meat. My personal favorite is the sandwiches. Finally we have a candy made from honey and orange peel that happens to be red. Theres no blood we just use blood oranges." Jack said
'Oh, nice. Apart from the rabbit meat,' Mildred said. She didn't like eating rabbits.
"it's a good way to deal with the rabbits after we do what we must." Jack said
'Fair enough. C'mon, I wanna try those red oranges you speak of.'
"they're almost as popular as gold around here." Jack said as he walked with Mildred out of the theater
Mildred walked next to him. 'Strange how its not as rare and valuable here.'
"maybe it's because humans put gold as the cost of a life. Gold could cost us a life but we also don't go hunting it down the same way. The oranges though, incredibly specific to get, they smell amazing and they're able to be recreated." Jack said
'Yeah, I guess. Vampires seem to be much more ethical,' Mildred said.
"in a sense. It all depends on perspective." Jack said
‘I suppose. If not gold, what do you use for currency?’
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