Vampire Prince
Thread Topic: Vampire Prince
‘Your clothes can be rather depressing. Bright colours suit you, I think,’ Mildred said.
"if you think I'd look better in bright colors, maybe I'll buy a few more coats. As embarrassing as it is to admit, most of my clothes are bought by castle staff." Jack said
‘I think you can look good in any colour,’ Mildred said. ‘When was the last time you came outside the castle?’
"the last time was when I chased you down through these streets." Jack said. The store clerk returned with this dress
‘Ok, but before that,’ Mildred chuckled. She glanced at the clerk, then the dress. She didn’t think she’d be able to pull that off.
"I think it was fifty years before. I went out to check the varley farm." Jack said
‘No wonder you’re so pale,’ Mildred said.
"I think it's the thousands of years without sunlight that did that." Jack said. He looked over to the dress. "Ah, it seems your dress is here. It seems a bit low cut." Jack said
‘Yeah. I don’t know if I can pull that off,’ Mildred said sheepishly, fidgeting with her hands.
The shopkeeper walked off slightly frazzled before returning with this dress
Mildred looked back at Jack.
"the style is nice. I think you'd look stunning in this dress Mildred." Jack said, fluffing the sleeve. He looked to Mildred to gage her reaction to the dress
Mildred still didn’t think she’d be able to pull it off, but maybe that was just her own dislike to her appearance. ‘I can try it.’
"if you don't like how it looks we can look around the shop but you should try it on" jack said
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