Thread Topic: Spice
(Ander probably hit the back of Three's neck lol that horse isn't going to be happy.)
As soon as Three stopped Kenna sat there in shock then took a breath to calm her racing heart. That was fast. She wasn't sure if he was faster than Ander's horse, but considering the different situations it felt like it.
"And here I thought you were good with animals," Kenna let out a breathy chuckle. -
Ander's face had unfortunately made rather violent contact with the back of Three's neck when the horse had suddenly stopped. He rubbed his face with a groan. "Most of the time," he said breathlessly. "This one's a jerk."
Kenna laughed. "Now don't go calling it names, it will only dislike you more," she said with a smile. "Are you okay?"
Ander slid off of the horse, adrenaline still rushing through his veins from the ride. "Am I okay? I should be asking you that question. He nearly sent you flying."
"He nearly sent the both of us flying the same amount," Kenna pointed out, getting herself situated to get off the horse. "Scientifically, of course. But to answer your question, yes, I'm alright."
Ander held out his arms to receive her. "Scientifically? That's an interesting way to put it."
"Well, we were both going at the same speed," Kenna said as she slipped down into Ander's arms. "So we stopped at the same speed meaning we also went flying at the same speed."
*Although you are heavier than me so you did land quicker."
Ander set her down on her feet with a gentle caution, making sure that she had her balance before he let go of her. "You have an interesting way of looking at the world."
"Interesting in a good way or a weird way?" Kenna asked. She began walking towards the cabin, wondering a little bit what Crypta would think about them being back so soon.
"A good way. Mine is slightly more...what's the word for it? Romantic? Not quite. It's on the tip of my tongue."
"No, I think romantic is the right word," Kenna said. "At least from what I remember of my English class."
"Poetic, maybe," Ander suggested. "Romantic had certain implications I prefer to avoid. Positive isn't the word I'd use either. Positivity leads to delusion, negativity leads to depression. I see things as they are, but prefer to focus on the good things. Does that makes sense?"
"It may imply it, but that isn't what it is," Kenna said. "So you have romantic realism with an encouraging touch. If that makes sense."
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