Thread Topic: Spice
"Uh sure," Kenna said with a nod. Now that she was looking at him, she noticed his neck. "Why do you have a tattoo?" she asked. She didn't think he was the type to get a tattoo.
Especially not one in such an open spot -
Ander brushed his fingers against the tattoo on his neck. "It's the symbol of Linnus. It's more like a brand than a tattoo." He scooped Kenna up bridal style. "Up you go."
Kenna dropped her cane, immediately wrapping her arms around Ander's neck so that she didn't end up rolling out of his arms. Suddenly she felt nerves because she'd never actually done this, but she pushed them down. She would be perfectly fine, there was nothing to worry about.
Ander slowly walked into the water, careful to make sure she didn't drift away. The river gently tugged at their clothes, like a small child asking to play. "What do you think? You don't have to strangle me, by the way. It's alright, I won't drop you."
Kenna gave him a glare, but loosened her arms. She relaxed a little, bringing an arm out to stroke the water around her. She leaned her head back, letting the water rise up to her hairline, her brown hair flourishing about her.
"I like it," she smiled. -
Can we retcon the fact that his shirt's gone, imma say he just rolled up his sleeves and unbuttoned it a wee 😭😭 feels weird otherwise))
"That's the nice thing about water. It carries your burden for you," Ander said, slowly turning around in a circle. He hummed a soft tune, as if they were slow dancing. -
(Yes that sounds like a great idea)
A grin grew onto Kenna's face. She reached out her hand again and let only her fingertips brush the water, sending water spiraling away from where she and Ander were in the middle.
"What's that song?" she asked, looking up at Ander. "Did you make it up?" -
Ander watched the ripples with a melancholy expression, spreading and spreading until they became nothing at all. "Someone used to sing it for me, a long time ago." He let out a soft laugh. "It's funny how the human mind works. Even when her face grew hazy in my memory, the song is clear as day."
"Your mom?" was the first "she" that came to mind. Kenna realized after that it could also have been a close friend when he was young, or something like that.
Ander nodded, closing his eyes for a moment. He opened them again with a soft sigh. "Do you remember anything about your parents? Or more importantly, why Linnus is after you?"
Kenna shook her head. "As soon as they were able to leave the hospital I was dropped off at the orphanage. Over the years I've heard rumors about my father, being some sort of ruthless criminal, but I don't know if that has any connection to any of this."
"It could be. But why would Linnus want you? You don't even remember a thing about him and they left you. I can't imagine how you'd pose a threat to Linnus." He thought for a moment, his brows furrowed in concentration. "Knowledge. Power. Inheritance. Most targeted individuals have at least one of those. Knowledge, where they know something valuable and secretive. They're usually tranquilized and interrogated, unless they know one of Linnus' secrets. Then they're typically just killed with no interrogation."
"Power," he continued. "Someone who carries a lot of influence or control over others poses a threat to Linnus. They tend to be rebels. If they can't be recruited, they are killed and it's typically framed as an accident or suicide."
"And finally, inheritance. In your case, I think this is the most likely. These people are usually the children of important individuals, leaders. When their parents die, they are expected to take their place. If your father made you his heir, for reasons I cannot conceive, his followers would likely be searching for you. As would Linnus." -
"You're right, that doesn't make sense," Kenna said, stroking the clear water in thought. "What if...they thought I had been able to get treated? Then rumor broke out?"
Me who forgot I didn't reply 🗿))
"I don't know, Kenna. Better not to make theories until they can be supported," Ander replied. The two were invested in the concer and hadn't noticed that Robo was no longer happily splashing and playing in the shallows.
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