Venting Thread
- Locked by Carri04 on Oct 29, '23 9:13pmReason: Sorry you gotta deal with this.
Thread Topic: Venting Thread
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I told myself I would do better but ofc, I just go back to harming myself... I want to do better. Why can't I do better? Why won't I change? And why do I keep living in the past and not being able to stay strong in the present... -
I need to work on my "people skills" ngl
I'll admit it, I sometimes feel envious when I see other people hanging with their friends but that's probably just bc I wish I had what they had but yeah, they're lucky
I just feel like a lonely outcast wherever I am and sometimes, I wonder if it's just me which is why I'm asking other people and myself what I can do to change and be better to make friends
Ugh, and I'm still in physical pain rn
He's sad and him being sad makes me sad cuz I want him to be happy :( If that makes any sense but I'm trying to comfort him and give hugs <333
Person 1: I'm depressed / or sad.
Person 2: Don't be depressed/sad
What Person 2 expects: *Person's 1's depression/sadness to magically be cured* -
Thank god she blocked me. I'm still not sure if she's actually that person but there's a lot telling me that she is and whether she is or not, I'm not taking any chances and don't want the past to repeat itself.
I'm not going to be harassed by her again for me doing nothing and her not taking responsibility for her actions. I don't want to sound harsh but I tried to be nice to her and all she did was get mad at me for kindly asking her not to bully people and warning her abt what would happen in the end with everyone going against her, like what-- I did nothing wrong. All I was doing was trying to warn her of what would happen and she gets upset.
Ugh, I just hate how I keep being taken advantage of by toxic people and can't get out of friendships with them just cuz I feel bad and think they'll change. Ofc, they can change but during the time they won't, it's best for me to remove them from my life if they're treating me or making me feel bad -
I could just be paranoid but it's bc of her that I feel like I should be more private abt things, have worser trust issues, and feel like anyone could be her in disguise cuz she's pretended to be an entirely different person before just to get to me
I think my partner might have committed su1c1de and my heart is just broken and idk if he's still alive but I could only hope.
I just feel so messed up... Idk what to say, I just hope he's alright
I just want a hug tbh. And the feeling of safety and security
Hey, hey, itโs going to be okay. Have you managed to get in touch with your partner?
Yeah, and luckily, he's still alive... but I may not be able to talk to him for a while if he ends up not being able to come online due to taken away devices or limited time online or just bc he's going to be hospitalized and away for a while to get better... which is smth I'm afraid of bc he's been gone a while in the past, as in a while being almost a year, and he did eventually come back online to speak w me again but I'm afraid that he isn't the next time around if he does end up leaving for a while.
But I'm just hoping for the best and am glad he's alive and even if he ends up out of my life, at least his mental health will improve and he'll be safe -
Yeah, I'm probs not going to be able to talk to my partner for a long while and will be alone again but yeah, good luck to myself for trying to stay alive without him ๐
But at least he'll be okay and safe. That's honestly all I care abt at this point
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