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- 2.1K
"some people make you feel happy about who you are as a person and you absoloutly love their company, but there are just those few people that make the world …
- 3.5K
Do you ever pounder what kind of person you are? Would you like to know? This quiz should add some guidance to your life. I mean you have to be a confused …
- 3.1K
There are many boys out there, but none are like this. This quiz is for readers of Breakfast at the Basses. Find out which boy of the second Upper East Side …
- 35K
Hey, people! This is a shallow quiz. Someone who is shallow is a person who is conceited and self-centered. Do you want to know how shallow you are? Or if you …
- 2.6K
There are many good people. And many many bad people. Each of them are here to destroy this world...or save it. Bye the way im not a "marvel freak"...i looked …
- 7.2K
We've got different personalities, which can be put into music, because musicians put their souls into their music( deep, I know,). See how you measure up …
- 18.4K
Do you love him? Love is a big thing and if you think than you love him enough to have a proper relationship with him than you should take my quiz to find out. …
- 15K
We all think of ourselves a beautiful, but are we REALLY beautiful on the outside? Will you ever get married? LOL ok that wont be answered in the quiz teehee …
- 2K
"There are many hobo people, but few are true Hobo's!Hobo's are, afterall, quite exceptionaly wierd. What is a hobo? A hobo is someone who is not clever …
- 12K
You've read about how ladylike I actually am on Pretty and Poor-- the real question is, how do you stack up? This quiz will help you find out how ladylike you …