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- 264K
There are alot of girls that like Justin Bieber, but only a few that LOVE him in my Quiz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME TAKE MY JUSTIN BIEBER QUIZ! If you don't take …
- 2.4K
Well this was a silly quiz just for the lulz of it. Im not some church official whos gonna tell you where you go when you die... if you want that you can go and …
- 4.3K
What should your first name be? maybe the name u have shouldnt be your name. are u a girly girl, tomboy, or a brat that everyone hates to love. what name should …
- 2.5K
There are many random people, but few VERY random people in the world. I myself am VERY random. That's basically why I made this quiz. Anyways, enough anteater …
- 17.4K
Fatness increases around the world are you a target. are some some on with a big growing a belly or teeny-tiny. well ho do we know whic belly we own??? …
- 140K
I bet you, I can guess your name! The calculations of births, average names on that year, etc, and unbelievable power of the internet, I can find out your name! …
- 4.8K
Thanks for your results so i know which Village is the best of them all. Thanks a whole bunch until next time. i am forced to keep writing this stuff or i cant …
- 4K
Everyone has a habitat, but for us humans, our habitat's are usually cities, towns or villages. Animals have habitats, lots of them. Some of them often change …
- 4K
Ever wonder who you would end up with if you had the chance to meet someone famous? There are SO many boys out there. …
- 2.2K
we all wonder what we are, but alot of us can never be bothered to try and find out. if you are a twilight fan and want to know if you are a vampire or a …