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- 2K
"There are many smart people and dumb people ,what are going to be when you grow up, smart or dumb, good or bad. Some one who try's or a slacker? There is what …
- 5.4K
There are many people in our world. the question is.. who will survive? who will save,beat,rescue,get to shelter.are you smart, talented,strong, or in control? …
- 1.8K
many people love the twilight saga! they all have their favorite scenes and caracters.the twilight saga is full of romance,action, you have your mind …
- 1.7K
If you would like to know what your real name would be (Girls only!) take my quiz. There are three possible results you can get on this quiz. All three of these …
- 6.8K
There are many gods and goddesses in Greek mythology. Each of them have power over specific things, such as the sky or ocean. Each of them have different …
- 16.6Kwhat is your perfect boyfriend like?3.07rated: 3.07/5Promoted 15 years agotaken 16.6K times2 comments
Some men are perfect, and if you have one of those guys, then well done! I like a man to be sweet, but not too sweet, and manly, but sensitive! He's got to be …
- 5.1K
Are YOU excitable? Dreary? Sporty? Sassy? Any of these could be you! Do you think you hold the title of the most sports-minded person in your school? Well get …
- 4.4K
people wonder what do my dreams mean?well,herethe absolutly dream quiz.have fun!half of the quiz is boring but whatev1right!lol!lololololim tired i hate writing …
- 3.6K
There is so many people you never know if you really know your true love!!!! Now try to get him/her and be happy/sad! There is so many people you never know if …
- 15.2K
There are many people in this world that are alot younger in their mind than they are in real life.well,here at this quiz,you can find out how old you are in …